Federal Employees in the Trump Administration

When you leave federal employment, will it be on your terms or those of the Trump administration?
One of the first executive orders executed by President Donald Trump, shortly after taking the oath of offices, was a hiring freeze for federal government employees, excluding national security employees. National security employees include military, public safety, and public health worker employed by the federal government.
With Republicans controlling the United States Senate, the United States House of Representatives and the White House, calls for “less government” may be more pronounced and easier to implement. Strategies for less government often include partial freezes of federal wages, as instituted in years 2011 through 2013, increased early retirement offers, buyouts, reduced benefits and job cuts.
If the Republican-controlled Congress has it way and you are affected by job cuts and other cost-cutting measures that may be proposed, what steps have you taken to protect you and your family’s financial well-being?
Call today (901-312-9166) or click here to schedule a no-cost consultation with Memphis’ only Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant that includes a complimentary benefit and retirement analysis to determine you current situation and how prepared you are for what’s ahead.
A Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant (ChFEBC) is a financial advisor that is familiar with the federal government retirement system and benefits offered in the CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System), FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), FEGLI (Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance), Federal Employees Health Benefits, and other benefits offered to employees of the federal government.